Demystifying Medit: Understanding the Essence and Functionalities

What is Medit

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What is Medit

Medit is an advanced technology that has revolutionized the way in which various professional areas carry out their activities. Commonly associated with dentistry, Medit presents a set of features and applications that go beyond what one might imagine. In this article, we will explore the concept behind Medit, its main features, applications in dentistry and an overview of this innovative tool.Concept Behind Medit

Concept Behind Medit

Medit is an innovative technology that revolutionizes the way dental professionals carry out the process of digitizing and producing dental models. Using advanced 3D scanning capabilities, Medit allows for accurate and detailed capture of the tooth structure and anatomical features of patients' mouths.

Using Medit, professionals can obtain highly accurate digital models, eliminating the need for conventional impressions that can often be uncomfortable for patients. Furthermore, Medit technology makes it possible to create personalized restorations and prosthetics with a high level of precision and quality.

Through intraoral scanning, Medit offers a more efficient and comfortable approach to obtaining digital models, contributing to the optimization of dental professionals' work processes and providing a more satisfactory experience for patients.

Main Features

Main Features

The Medit platform offers a wide range of functionalities designed to meet the specific needs of dental professionals. With cutting-edge technology and innovative features, Medit stands out for its main features, which include:

  • High Precision 3D Scanning: Medit allows precise scanning of dental structures and soft tissues, providing detailed images for diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Design of Dental Prostheses: With advanced design tools, Medit makes it possible to create personalized dental prosthetics with high precision and custom adjustments.
  • Integration with Digital Workflow: The Medit platform is compatible with CAD/CAM systems, allowing seamless integration into digital workflows for efficient production of restorations and prosthetics.
  • Color Analysis and Comparison: With color analysis capabilities, Medit assists in the precise selection of shades for aesthetic restorations, ensuring natural and harmonious results.
  • Collaboration and Data Sharing: Professionals can collaborate and share patient data safely and efficiently, facilitating communication and coordination of multidisciplinary treatments.

With these and other innovative features, Medit stands out as a comprehensive and advanced solution for modern dental practice, providing greater precision, efficiency and quality in clinical and laboratory procedures.

Applications in Dentistry

Applications in Dentistry

Medit technology has been widely used in the field of dentistry, offering numerous applications that benefit both professionals and patients. With its ability to capture accurate 3D images, Medit has become an essential tool in many dental procedures.

Intraoral Scanning

Medit enables high-precision intraoral scanning, providing dentists with detailed images of patients' oral cavities. This eliminates the need for uncomfortable and inaccurate impressions, significantly improving the patient experience and the efficiency of the diagnosis and treatment process.

Implant Planning

With the ability to create accurate digital models of the oral structure, Medit is widely used in dental implant planning. Professionals can view the patient's anatomy in 3D, which facilitates the precise positioning of implants and the creation of personalized surgical guides.

Customized Dental Prosthetics

Medit plays a key role in manufacturing custom dentures. By capturing detailed images of a patient's mouth, dentists can create custom-made dentures with a perfect fit, ensuring superior comfort and functionality.

Monitoring Orthodontic Treatment

In orthodontics, Medit is used to monitor treatment progress, allowing orthodontists to compare changes in tooth position over time. This helps you assess the effectiveness of the treatment and make adjustments as needed.

These are just some of the many applications of Medit in dentistry, demonstrating how this innovative technology is revolutionizing dental practice and benefiting both professionals and patients.



Medit is an innovative technology that revolutionizes the way dental procedures are performed. Combining advanced scanning and design capabilities, Medit offers a precise and efficient approach to creating dental restorations and other treatments.

Using Medit, dental professionals can obtain detailed digital images of patients' oral cavities, allowing for a thorough and personalized analysis. Furthermore, the technology enables the creation of 3D models and the design of prostheses and restorations with high precision and quality.

Through its intuitive interface and advanced tools, Medit simplifies and improves dental processes, providing superior and satisfactory results for both professionals and patients.

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