What is: Digital Endodontic Infection

What is Digital Endodontic Infection?

Endodontic Infection is a condition that affects the dental pulp, which is the soft tissue located inside the tooth. This infection occurs when pathogenic bacteria penetrate the dental pulp, causing inflammation and pain.

Causes of Digital Endodontic Infection

Digital Endodontic Infection can be caused by several factors, the main ones being:

Pathogenic bacteria

Pathogenic bacteria are the main cause of digital endodontic infection. They can enter the dental pulp through untreated cavities, tooth fractures or other damage to the tooth.

Poor oral hygiene

Lack of proper oral hygiene can contribute to the development of digital endodontic infection. Insufficient tooth brushing and failure to use dental floss can allow bacteria to proliferate in the mouth, increasing the risk of infection.

Treatment of Digital Endodontic Infection

Treatment for a digital endodontic infection usually involves performing a root canal treatment. This procedure involves removing the infected dental pulp and cleaning the root canal. After cleaning, the canal is filled with a filling material to prevent the infection from recurring.

Prevention of Digital Endodontic Infection

To prevent digital endodontic infection, it is important to adopt a proper oral hygiene routine. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly for routine checkups.

Symptoms of Digital Endodontic Infection

Symptoms of a digital endodontic infection can vary from person to person, but the most common include:

Intense pain

Pain is one of the main symptoms of digital endodontic infection. It can be constant or intermittent and can worsen when chewing or when coming into contact with hot or cold foods.


Swelling in the affected area is also a common symptom of digital endodontic infection. This swelling may be accompanied by redness and sensitivity to touch.

Sensitivity to heat and cold

Sensitivity to heat and cold is another characteristic symptom of digital endodontic infection. Affected teeth may be sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks.


Endodontic infection is a condition that affects the dental pulp and can cause severe pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. It is important to seek appropriate treatment as soon as possible to avoid complications. In addition, prevention is essential, through good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist.

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